Friday, August 26, 2011

Palo Alto Baylands, September 12, 2010

Now we leave the American Southwest and move further west. This presents quite a contrast from the last post. The Baylands are salt water marshes that surround the San Francisco Bay. These are the baylands in Palo Alto. They are a haven for many kinds of sea birds which often nest here.

Before I can go any further, I have to admit two things:
  1. I know very little about birds, and
  2. I certainly do not have the proper equipment to photograph birds.
Nevertheless, I think these images help to capture the feeling of being surrounded by these wonderful birds that often fly quite near, but, more generally, keep to themselves on marsh islands that are inaccessible to people.


Here we see that this is an active mating area. This pelican displayed for quite a while, as did others.

As always, I hope you enjoy these images.

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